I was climbing up on my ladder in the garage to replace a flouro tube which insisted on flickering all the time and I suddenly realised that I was looking down on my Barra Town layout.
I quickly grabbed my phone and took a couple of 'snaps'. Gives you a pretty good idea of the layout and where I'm at.
As you can see some scenery work has been carried out, but I still haven't completed the work on the curved bridge. I originally planned a curved brick viaduct, but my current thoughts are more in line with a timber viaduct which is more appropriate for a branch line. My garage is very hot, particularly with the current weather - 41 today, so I try to work when its a bit cooler, at night or early morning, but progress is slow.
I've painted the white line on the platform but it still looks a bit "thin" so I'm thinking of giving it a third coat of white. Then I'll add the yellow one.
My Vietnamese layout is basically at a stand still at the moment but I will do some more minor jobs when I can.
I just joined the Australian N Scale Facebook page so it will be interesting to see what is posted.
Also Badger Bits assures us that the 44s will be here sometime after Chinese New Year. I don't know about Chinese New Year but I do know about Vietnamese Tet (New Year), where basically everyone who can goes home to their families and nothing much is done for about 2 -3 weeks and many businesses close down for the period, so I'm sure it's the same. Vietnam Railways adds many extra trains to their schedule so that people can go home.
This means that we will be well into February before we see them if not later. Ah well, more time to save up my pennies!
And now for a couple of full size images. Several more black and white photos from 45 years ago.
Above: 36 class 3616 (the one with the Giesl Oblong ejector) on a tour.
Above left: 30T class 3090 takes water and right C38 class ready to haul another tour.
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